Monday 11 February 2013

Sketching Eyes

the first eye I had to sketch was a little rough. I wasn't really adding any detail into. the second attempt of the first eye, i started to add detail like the pupil & the shaping.

the second eye was difficult because of the eyelashes. my first attempt didn't look anything close to the original picture. I didn't add any detail at all. my second attempt of the first eye, I added detail. I tried to make it match as much as I could.

like I said in my first post, I'm not very good at drawing. my pictures never turn out to look like the original pictures. can someone please give me some tips?? :)


  1. Savana, I love your clear layout that shows each attempt for your feature drawings. I'd have to say that your second attempt on the first drawing really shows a remarkable improvement in line quality and in measuring. By taking time to look at the negative spaces (such as the white areas), it helps us to judge where to place our lines.
    Although practice might be frustrating sometimes, it sure does help to improve our skills. Keep up the good work!

  2. thank you :) & yup it sure is frustrating but practice makes perfect !
